學校獲得國際文憑組織(International Baccalaureate Organization,簡稱IBO)授權
作者 : 網管人員
發佈日期 : 2021-10-12 08:17:28
🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉 賀!!🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊 崑山國際學校於 2021 年 10 月 5 日獲得批准,成為臺南市第一所IB國際文憑課程 MYP Candidate資格學校,候選期將從即日起正式開始。IB國際文憑課程為全球許多知名大學及常春藤名校優先採認,已經有5000餘所中小學採用IB課程,目前臺灣只有8所私立學校和一所公立學校獲得國際文憑組織(International Baccalaureate Organization,簡稱IBO)授權,我想藉此機會感謝崑山國際學校財團法人、崑山高級中等學校工作同仁、和所有協助學校轉型的好友,感謝您們的奉獻持續支持使學校朝向國際教育里程碑邁進一大步。 在追求最優質的K-12教育,並為大臺南地區的社區提供教育服務的同時,崑山國際學校期盼將府城在地私立學校的教育標準提升轉變為IB世界國際學校的教育標準。IB 世界學校有一個共同的理念,致力於高品質、具有挑戰性的國際教育,我們認為這對學生是很重要。崑山國際學校將緊密與 IBO合作,以獲得作為 IB 世界學校的最終授權。在此過程中,崑山國際學校將受益於 IBO提供 150 多個國家/地區的學校實施可持續計劃方面的經驗和知識。榮譽董事長 戴 謙 博士曾說臺灣不是海島國家,而是海洋國家,讓我們一起邁向藍海,為臺灣教育貢獻心力,也翻轉K-12教育思維,培育兼具品格及競爭力並有所作為的終身學習者。謹以此文,向教育熱愛者表達崇高的敬意與感佩。 Congratulations on Kuen Shan International School’s achievement of the IB MYP candidacy, the first in Tainan City. The candidacy for the MYP at Kuen Shan International School has been approved as of 5 October 2021, and the candidacy period will formally begin as of this date. I want to take this opportunity to thank the KSIS Board of Directors, school staff, and everyone involved for your dedication and continuing support in helping the school achieving the milestone. In pursuing the highest quality of education and making it available to the community in the Greater Tainan area, Kuen Shan International School has worked hard to transform and elevate itself from the education standard of a local private school to that of an IB World School. Today, as the welcome letter from the IB states, “Kuen Shan International School is a candidate school for the MYP. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy- a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education- that we believe is important for our students. “, KSIS shall and will continue to work closely with the IB for the final authorization as an IB World School. In process, KSIS will benefit from the IB’s experience and knowledge in supporting schools in over 150 countries implementing sustainable programs. Once again, congrats on the candidacy, and we look forward to the challenges ahead! Sincerely, Stephen Wu Chairman 瀏覽數